Alas, it came down to surgery to try and chase the dizzies away. Had it done this past Wednesday 11/11. Hopefully a little luck will go with that. I wanted to take a minute and document my recovery for future reference...
FYI-the surgery is called endolymphatic sac shunt revision and takes place in the inner ear. To get there, they make an incision behind your ear, drill out some bone, and do what they need to do.
Day 1-Surgery-Doctor is reassuring. I'm scared but it's over before I know it and they wheel me off to a place called "Day Surgery" where I spent the night. Dr. May said the surgery was one of the best that he's been able to do. The old shunt was covered with scar tissue, which was expected, he was able to remove it all, shave some bone to create some more room and give me a new shunt. Felt pretty good that night at the hospital. Had a massive "ear muff " type bandage that wrapped around my head. It wasn't comfortable. Note to self and others...if you wear glasses, you won't be able to with this bandage on. Bring contacts or an old pair of glasses and remove whichever side you need. That's what Tim did for me. Couldn't sleep well that night. Not because of pain. Just general adrenaline and constant interruptions from nursing staff who by the way are very stingy with the pain meds. One Darvocet every 6 hours? Thank God I wasn't in that much pain.
Day 2-Dr. May comes in at 6am! Making his rounds before a full day at the office. Removes the bandage...what a relief. Wound is healing very well. Ear is draining like crazy. Have to keep a cotton ball in it until I see him again. A couple hours later, I'm on the way home! Pick up my kids which makes me smile and fall into my bed for a glorious nap. Having some pain, unsteady, constant oozing out of my ear. Lovely.
Day 3-Tim goes back to work. Grandparents take turns coming over and watching the kids. I am exhausted. My eyes are so heavy that I can't keep them open. Pain is still bearable and I can walk around some. By the end of the afternoon though, I feel a strange pressure in my head and noises are bothering me. Dizziness is coming in waves. Fall asleep early but wake up at 3am and can't get back to sleep. Oh and I managed an awkward shower today-so awesome!
Day 4-Saturday! Tim takes the kids hiking. I sleep all morning hoping that this is the last time I miss a family outing because of my stupid ear. Having mini-spins and dizzies. Unsteady and weak. Realize I'm not eating and probably should. Nothing sounds good. The only food I want is from a place that isn't open. Anesthesia always dulls my appetite. Ear is still oozing.
Day 5-Sunday! Everybody home all day. I'm still tired but feeling a little more energy. Decide to get up, shower, and go to lunch with the family. But by the time I get dressed, I get hit with major dizziness and nausea and have to get back in bed. Pulled a small, bloody glob out of my ear. Wondering if it has been stopping up my tube and not allowing the ear drops to get in. Pain is a little worse today. Also noticing more soreness around the incision. Guess the nerves are waking back up and wondering what the heck happened. Also, feeling depressed and I don't know why. My kids are going back to school tomorrow and it almost makes me cry. Hormonal? Anesthesia? Seems like I've read people can feel like this after surgery. Have also read that the nerves for anxiety run alongside the hearing and balance nerves. If that's true, maybe they were somehow affected. No work until after Thanksgiving. I am somewhat relieved to not have to worry about that but know that it's gonna get old real quick.
That's where I am now. Will update as time goes on. Please let this surgery work.