So I did it! I sat and listened to the waves crash in at Holden Beach. I heard the perfect pitch of Jason Mraz in concert, not once, but twice! Thanks to the alignments of the spirits and fate for that amazing stroke of luck. Also got to shake it to some G. Love and he told ME- I had "sauce." So there! An added bonus to those shows was being introduced to the awesomely entertaining and talented Bushwalla. If you haven't checked him out, you definitely need to. Refreshing and funky fun is how I would describe him and his music. (
And finally, I made it to see and hear the sensory experience that is U2! I don't even know where to begin to show my gratitude that my hearing and balance allowed me to make it this far. It almost didn't. On the drive to the show, my good ear was acting up as well. Lots of pain, dizziness, and nausea. I did not feel well at all and just kept saying to myself, "don't worry, your adrenaline will kick in and you'll be fine." During the opening act for U2, vertigo (no pun intended, U2 fans) reared its head momentarily. I imagined myself being carried out of the stadium covered in puke, and crying out, "no, damn it! not now!!!!!" However, thanks to the wonders of medication, I was able to beat the vertigo into submission. At several points during the show, the tears flowed from sheer happiness and gratitude. No one saw them but they rolled freely during "MLK" and "With
The next day I had a routine appointment with my Ear-Nose-Throat Doctor. I now have a tube in my good ear as well and hope that it will help me to equalize the pressure problems I've been having due to colds, weather, altitude changes, etc. As he explained it...'all your balance information is coming from that one ear. If anything alters that, you're going to be unsteady, dizzy, and in general miserable.' This tube will do nothing to halt the progression of the Meniere's in my bad ear, but hopefully we can remove anything that may aggravate the symptoms. My ENT doc is so passionate about what he does. He's got my back no matter what comes, he's ready to fight for me no matter what my employers or my health insurance company may throw at me. For that, I am thankful beyond words.
I claimed 2009 as my year and I achieved all the goals on my "bucket list" of things to do before my hearing goes kaput in my left ear. Here's to hoping for a cure.
I've also come away from all this feeling rejuvenated. We all have so much to give-our time, our money, our knowledge, our sympathy, our laughter. Pick one, any one of them, and share it. It will make your life all the better.
So mission accomplished! Now to look towards 2010...
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