Friday, January 22, 2010

Vertigo sneaks back

I've been under a tremendous amount of stress lately from health to financial to family to losing a pet.  It seems that you name it, I'm dealing with it.  I guess it should be no surprise then that I got hit yesterday by a vertigo attack.  I had just pulled in the garage after picking up my kids.  I don't know why but for some reason that's always the point where I get dizzy or queasy.  I'm fine while I'm driving but when I come to a stop, it's like my body doesn't.  Anyway, at that exact moment, my husband called to give me more stressful financial news and I could feel it all getting worse.  I popped half a valium then and there and got myself and the kids inside.  Thankfully I was still not in a full-fledged attack.  I sat for a minute or two and then got back up to help the kids and the vertigo came back.  This was the falling down, getting ready to spin out of control kind.  I popped another valium, laid down, used my Meniett and amazingly within a few minutes felt better.  I was able to get back up and make dinner and feel as close to normal as I usually feel.  Although that little attack was enough to make me sleep 11 hours last night. 

It's disturbing that it came back like that but my doctor repeatedly tells me stress is the worst thing for me.  I know he's right but how do you avoid it?  The answer must lie in how you deal with it.  Writing about it seems to help me a little.  I think being able to get out the house more would help too.

1 comment:

  1. Nicki,
    It's strange how an attack can make a person so tired. I am usually exhausted after one.
